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Research Proposals

How to Write a Research Proposal

A research proposal is a short and coherent summary of your proposed research that presents central issues that you intend to address. A research proposal is an essential piece of writing since it allows your professor to approve your research concepts or recommend any necessary changes before you start writing your essay.

When writing a research proposal, you have the opportunity to demonstrate the in-depth of your understanding on a specific field of study. This is because the proposal will show your capability to express complex concepts in s concise way. The research proposal writing process must involve various steps like brainstorming, picking a topic and revising. Once you complete the process, you will submit a proposal that addresses your research question and the aim of your conducted study.

Picking the best topic

When searching for a topic, make sure you spend quality time brainstorming and thinking critically about the pressing issue that needs a solution. Your topic must relate to the things you study in class and should exhibit your results and vital gradations that might be interesting to research. You need to look at research proposal available at ProficientPapers.com to know how to pick the best topic. Make sure the topic you choose is very narrow and have some relevance to the modern society.

Starting the research proposal writing process

While starting the writing process, you need to get something that interests you. Make sure that you pick a topic that is related to your field of study to make the writing process easy. Reading essays on recent discoveries, breakthroughs and innovations are helpful since you will obtain the required inspiration.

Template of a research proposal

Your research template must include the following information:

Title of the research: you are allowed to revise your title throughout your research, but make sure it incorporates what the paper is about
Abstract: a portion of not less than 100 words that comprise the central question that you want to put across.
Context: include a brief background of where your research comes from, including the area of study, any debates on the subject and the relevance of the question.
Research question: the purpose of the proposal is trying to answer the question.
Research Method: your research proposal must demonstrate how you conducted your research. Expound on the key resources as you explain how you collected data.
Research significance: you need to give reasons why your work is important. In a sample research proposal provided by ProficientPapers.com, you will come across a concise validation showing why your research is unique. This shows how the research adds something new to the field of study.
Bibliography: you need to create a list of the most relevant sources that you have used in your study.

You can use any citation style assigned by your professor, or you can as well use the annotated bibliography format. You must give some little acumen on the role played by every source in your research.

The outline must be formatted according to the template given. Before starting the research proposal writing process, ensure that you narrow down your research question and get a solid outline of how you will structure your work.


APA Research Proposal

The APA citation style can assist you to understand how to craft a good research proposal for a research essay. This is because, in an APA format, you must include an introduction, abstract and bibliography within the paper itself and not just in your proposal.

The APA Research proposal guidelines include:
Times New Roman font (12-point)
• Double-spaced
• One-inch margin
• A 50 character APA running head
• A title page with the title of the paper including your name and your institution’s name
• Abstract of 150-200 words
• In-text citation
• Reference page

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