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summarize chapter 4 and 5

i need a summary of each chapter (in bullet points)

for chapter 4 please include these arts pieces in the summary with there meaning:
-Sala del Mappamondo  (formerly known as the Sala del Consiglio (the room of the council) with the fresco by Simone Martini, The Maest, c. 1315-1321
-Fonte Gaia, replica by Tito Sarrocchi of the original by Jacopo della Quercia from
1419, marble, 1858-1868
-Donatello, Ghiberti, Jacopo della Quercia, and others, baptistery font,
marble and bronze, 1416-1434
-Donatello, The Presentation of the Head of Saint John the Baptist
to Herod, gilded bronze relief, 1423-1427
-Jacopo della Quercia, The Annunciation to Zachariah,
gilded bronze relief, c. 1427-1430
-Vecchietta, The Founding of the Hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, fresco,
Pellegrinaio, Siena, 1441
-Domenico di Bartolo, The Virgin and Christ Child with Music-Making Angels
(The Madonna of Humility), tempera and gold leaf on panel, 1433
-Pinturicchio, The Meeting of Emperor Frederick III and Eleanor of Portugal,
fresco, Piccolomini Library, Siena, c. 1503-1507

for chapter 5 please include these arts pieces in the summary with there meaning:

-Desis, (Supplication), tempera and gold paint on panel, Viannou monastery, Crete
mid-fifteenth century (signed)
-Virgin Kardiotissa, (Virgin of the Heart), tempera on panel,
mid-fifteenth century (signed) [new iconography]
-Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple, tempera on panel, mid-fifteenth century (signed)
-Saint George on Horseback Killing the Dragon, tempera on linen on panel,
mid-fifteenth century  (signed)

Chap 5: https://books.google.com/books?id=ac_Bbk8dLXUC&pg=PA172&lpg=PA172&dq=locating+renaissance+art+chapter+5&source=bl&ots=S8lbXmscGM&sig=ACfU3U3Htecit8k_k04r_SekG-_yOWoa4A&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiD6Yyxhr_oAhXChHIEHXtZDbUQ6AEwAXoECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q=locating%20renaissance%20art%20chapter%205&f=false
chapter 4: https://books.google.com/books?id=ac_Bbk8dLXUC&pg=PA297&dq=locating+renaissance+art+chapter+4&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi2lI7jh7_oAhXvgXIEHfjID5UQ6AEwAHoECAAQAg#v=onepage&q=locating%20renaissance%20art%20chapter%204&f=false

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