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Archive for the ‘Writing Styles’ Category

FOIA and Privatization of Government

FOIA and Privatization of GovernmentA democracy works best when the people have all the information that security of the nation permits. With these words, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) into law. This law may seem straight forward, but has been severely complicated since the 1990s due to the growing […]

global marketing

Select a U.S. brand and develop a marketing plan for selling it overseas. Select a country where you want to sell it (this brand should not be sold in this country at this time), and then 1.Analyze the key elements of the countrys culture, economic, and political environment.  2.Select a method of entry in the […]

Explain how those peripheral services are helping core service/s

Hello again:) Well..this lecture is service management, and the professor gave us group project.As you can see the uploaded picture and ppt, the professor wants us to MAKE OUR OWN FICTION SERVICE COMPANY. So, our group decided to go with 24 hours restaurant. Our six members assigned each of task and I’m in charge of […]

Case Study Paper

Read the case study and answer the Question 4 in the last page’s Discussion Question section. (separate by both motivation, opportunities, and challenges to write)4. What is your assessment of Teslas moves into (a) mass-market cars, (b) batteries (car batteries and Powerwall), (c) solar panels? Please consider both the motivation for the moves, and the […]

write a summary about Alternative Media and Processes

View the attached powerpoints on “Visual Thinking Strategies” & “Alternative Media and Processes”Write a 1 page summary (12pt Font, Times New Roman, Double Space) of Alternative Media.      -Include an image (on page 2) of an artwork that reflects “Alternative Media and Processes”    -Write a brief description of the artwork (What’s happening in […]

cloud storage

Assignment #3 No directly quoted material may be used in this project paper.Resources should be summarized or paraphrased with appropriate in-text and Resource page1. Explain what Cloud storage is, how it works, and what challenges and remedies are presented when attempting to acquire data from the Cloud. 2.  If you had to explain to someone […]

Coursework 2

The report length is 3500 words. When counting your words, please exclude the text in figures, tables, Section 1 (Title Page and Table of Contents) and Section 7 (References). The word count must be included in the Title Page. This assessment uses the work undertaken in Coursework 1 as its foundation. This time however, you […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Hi,I hope your fineThis order request it made to add some work on a previous order which you have done for me.I have got some feedback on the paper: (((Introduction too brief(add 100 words) build it up. Be more self-conscious why are you focusing on your subject and arguing what youre arguing. Missing references. Any […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Reading 1: Mills (in Lemert 2018) Introduction to C. Wright Mills (p.275) The sociological imagination (pp.275278) Questions:1. Lemert explained that, true to [Millss] ideal of the sociological imagination, his writings basedstrong critical ideas on careful empirical work (page 275). What might this tell us about Millssapproach to research and theory?2. What do you think Mills […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Explain some of the economic problems that many cities are facing and the solutions that are being implemented by U.S. fire departments to cope with their shrinking budgets. Please use 4 academically recognized sources. 1. Research and discuss the economic problems U.S. cities have faced which have had a direct impact on the fire service.2. […]

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