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the impact of gender and physical attractiveness on employability

Double spaced, 11-point Arial font. Size 12 font.
You will need to conduct a Psychology research report focusing on the question: The impact of gender and physical attractiveness on employability.

The report must meet these guidelines greatly below to achieve a high grade. I am looking for a 2:1 grade and if this is met to a high standard I will write an outstanding view for yourself! I will be a returning customer if my coursework is written well, understandable and precise.

Concise and informative. The title should reflect the main objectives and design of the study

Structured abstract summarising the study with the following subheadings: background; aims; sample; method; results; and conclusions.

Concise review of relevant psychological literature that leads to a clear rationale for the study. The aims and hypotheses should be clearly stated and derived logically from the literature reviewed. (great detail with previous literature please)

Clearly described method section using appropriate subheadings. i. Clear description of design ii. Details of participants/sampling iii. Details of equipment/materials/tests iv. Procedure and instructions v. Ethical issues and how they were addressed.
Prior to completing the questionnaire, each participant should read a participant information sheet. They should also be given a debriefing sheet.

i. Statement of findings and relevance to hypotheses ii. Presentation of data in tables and/or figures iii. Appropriate application of analytical techniques.

i. Explanation of findings ii. Relationship to background research iii. Limitations and modifications iv. Implications and suggestions for further research.

All cited and in APA format! THIS IS ESSENTIAL!

Report style (Communication)
Adheres to APA/BPS publication conventions for report sections. Grammatically correct prose with use of appropriate tense and active voice contributes to the report’s cohesion and clarity. Originality and scientific quality.

Word count needs to be included at the end of the essay please.

Lecturers notes: Ideally, you should also examine the assumptions behind the analysis you perform. Don’t get too bogged down with this though. Remember that the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is sensitive to minor departures from normality with larger sample sizes. In other words, it will suggest that data aren’t normal when they probably are. This is likely to reflect a Type I error rather than a genuine departure from normality. Consequently, you may also wish to look at the skew and kurtosis coefficients when deciding whether your dependent variable(s) is/are normally distributed. You may also wish to visually inspect for normality and examine whether the means, medians and modes are similar.

Print TWO COPIES of EACH questionnaire so that you have EIGHT in total. Please give EACH version of the questionnaire to ONE MALE and ONE FEMALE participant so that you collect data from EIGHT participants in total. For clarity, one male and one female participant should complete: the questionnaire featuring the more physically attractive male image; one male and one female should complete the questionnaire featuring the more physically attractive female image; one male and one female should complete the questionnaire featuring the less physically attractive male image; and one male and one female should complete the questionnaire featuring the less physically attractive female image.

* Data were collected from 2304 participants. This was reduced to 2264 after removing data from participants that had impossible values (i.e., those exceeding the actual range of scores) and those who had clearly completed more than one version of the questionnaire. They were then stratified according to condition (i.e., physical attractiveness and image gender) and a sample of 568 was taken from this.

The uploaded files should help you with understanding how it should be set out and what is needed.


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