I need to write a Study essay.
I plan to study in the US for an LLM and in order to get the scholarship I need to write this following ;
A carefully prepared statement, of no more than two pages, giving
1. The reason why you wish to study or pursue research in the U.S.A.
2. A plan of the work you propose to undertake, the benefits you expect to obtain from such a study or research
I want you to ;
a. Try to formulate 1, 2 or 3 clear study/research topics or goals, that you can expand on. Make references to the experiences I already have in my resume.
b. Include references to the universities where I want to study, the classes taught or possible clinics/internships (top ones like Berkeley, Columbia, Harvard..). Make sure to also mention professors that I want to work with, what their specific expertise is and what you want to work on.
c. Emphasize the output that I want to create. What impact will I have? How will that influence the world around me? What do I want to do once I finished my studies?
Best would be to emphasize on Alternative Dispute Resolution in International Arbitration. Corporate Law too would be great. I have specific experiences in ADR that will be relevant.
The paper needs to be stellar.