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Program Development Assignment: Part 1

You are to develop a comprehensive proposal for a new community-based counseling program with the focus on child abuse (see article entitled, How Child Abuse Primes the Brain for Future Mental Illness). Specifically, you will identify a problem from this article and devise methods of addressing the problem through the development of a community-based counseling program.  The Program Development and Evaluation proposal should be 5-8 pages (not including title or reference pages).

In addition to a title page, please use the following sub-heading to structure your proposal:

The Problem
Define the problem based on of of the articles below:

How Child Abuse Primes the Brain for Future Mental Illness. Found at: http://healthland.time.com/2012/02/15/how-child-abuse-primes-the-brain-for-future-mental-illness/#ixzz1mYDBd9GO (Links to an external site.)

LGBTQ Teens Feel Unsafe and Unwelcome
https://www.usnews.com/news/national-news/articles/2018-05-15/lgbtq-teens-feel-unsafe-and-unwelcome-despite-growing-support-for-rights (Links to an external site.)

Black Boys in Crisis

https://www.theedadvocate.org/black-boys-in-crisis-racism-in-the-media-and-schools/ (Links to an external site.)

To assist with the development of your program, refer to the article:

Calley, N. G. (2009). Comprehensive program development in mental health counseling: Design,

implementation, and evaluation. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 31(1), 9-21. Retrieved from http://ezproxy.barry.edu/login?url=https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.barry.edu/docview/198672063?accountid=27715

Establishing the Need for the Program

Explain what is known about this issue based on other current research literature and how this information supports your position to develop a community-based counseling program.
Describe how this issue could be addressed through a community-based counseling program.

2. Program Design

Define the stake holders.
Develop the community-based counseling program that will address the issue/problem.
Explain the range of mental health service delivery for the program (i.e., peer support, parent education, inpatient, outpatient, aftercare, etc.).
Describe the management structure of the program and mental health services.
Staffing needs (credentialing), including any special competencies required of staff.
Financial and resource needs, including a general budget.
Demonstrate how public mental health policy, financing, and regulatory processes can be used to improve service delivery for this program.
Describe how your program will promote interdisciplinary teams and relationships between counselors and other professionals as well as interagency collaboration and communication.
Funding sources (i.e., grants, private pay, third-party payers support with real examples)
Explain briefly the role consultants can play in this process. Identify at least one theories, models, and/or strategies of consultation.

3. Interventions

Describe the specific program goals.
Specific evidenced based interventions to achieve the program goals (support with current research literature).

4. Evaluation

Explain how you intend to evaluate the program (i.e., service delivery success, meeting the needs addressed in the article). Provide means of evaluating the program goals and intervention outcomes.
Review the literature to find reliable and valid assessment measures that may be used to assess the outcome of your program goals and interventions outcomes.
Explain the process for assessment and how data will be analyzed.
Expound how you would use the data to increase the effectiveness of clinical mental health counseling interventions and programs.
Using the most recent stylistic conventions of the APA Manual, list references that support your program. Must reference at least 4-5 sources from scholarly peer-reviewed journals or texts (you can only use 1 of your texts).

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