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35)  Annotated Bibliography (15pointssubmitted on OaksDropbox in pdf format).  For this assignment you will turn in a summary of tensources that you have located foryour research project(you will only include pieces that you found useful).  Eight of these sources must be either from academic journals or books(they must be peer-reviewed sources). The sources must provide a mix of topical and theoretical relevance to yourproject.  Only two of the tensources may be from newspapers and other news sources.  However, you are highlyencouraged to utilize local news sources for your projectas extra sources.  All of the sources must be at least as recent as 2000.However, if you find a classic source that is of high-relevance to your project, then you may include it.  You need to use complete sentences.  Books may require longer annotations.  For books that serve as collections of articles(edited volumes),you maytreat each article as a separate source.Number each source and put aspace betweeneach step and number each step.Part One (conduct the following steps for each source):First,provide all citation information for each piecethat you found useful.Use the ASA Style Guide for format.See the handout titled ASASTYLEGUIDE.Second,state whether it is a peer-reviewed or popular press piece and in a few sentences, state the general topic and/or focus of this piece.Third,for peer-reviewed sources, in a few sentences, state the key questions or the thesis of this piece.Leave this blank for the popular press pieces.Fourth,for peer-reviewed sources, in a few sentences, state the major findings and/or arguments of this piece.Leave this blank for the popular press pieces.Fifth, in a few sentences, indicate how this source will be useful to your project.  Make sure to indicate whether you are using thispiece as a topical, theoretical, or methodical piece.  Or you may be using the piece as a source of secondary data (for instance it might have useful statistics on how many dog owners utilize dog parks).  Explain how you are using it.  For example, you might have found a theoretical source on how dogs act as social facilitators of human interaction.  You have seen this happen at the dog park you are studying.  Discuss this and give an example of how you are seeing dogs act as social facilitators at your dog park site.  Sixth, indicate whether/howthis source contains or leads to other potentially helpful sources.  If applicable, give the titles of those sources.For instance, your source might cite another article that you plan to look up.If this source does not contain leads to other sources than leave this blank.Seventh, remember to make sure to only include pieces that you found useful.Part Two(at the end on the last pageand after all of the above individual source entries):First,at the end of the 10 sources(on the last page)write one paragraph that summarizes how your initialdata collectioninteracts with what you are learning from all of your readings and vice versa.  This is a summary paragraph that is placed at the endon the last page.  You want to be as precise and clear as possible.  What are you seeing in your data and how does your literature provide insight into what you are observing?  Provide clear and detailed examples from both the data and the literature.  Your goal is to show me how you are going to be able to make sense of your data using your literature.  Second,at the end of the paragraph and one line down, state your overall guiding research question.Your research question likely evolved over the semester it does not have to be the exact wording that you started off with

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