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Sport Marketing Best Practices Report

HSES 486: Sport Marketing
Sport Marketing Best Practices Report (100 points)
Due: November 12, 2020
Directions and Grading Rubric
The purpose of this assignment is to identify and analyze the marketing practices of 3 sport
organizations (different sports, different levels, at least one male/female sport), in an assigned
area. Students will write a 4-page (minimum) report where they compare and contrast the best
practices of each organization, while focusing on one specific marketing area. The different
marketing areas that students may select from include, but are not limited to, ticketing/pricing,
sponsorship, digital marketing/social media, branding, or public/community relations. The idea
for this assignment is to encourage students to explore the different marketing practices that
organizations utilize as they attempt to enhance customer engagement, generate revenue, or
increase awareness for their brand. To receive full credit, students should also incorporate at least
six sources into their paper.
Content/Organization of Thought (75 points total; 25 points per organization)
Excellent: Clearly states and supports main and supporting ideas for all three
organizations. Illustrates ideas and applies ideas for each point. All ideas seem connected
and express a coherent proposition.
Meets Expectations: Makes clear statement of position and uses many illustrations. Ideas
largely relate to the main idea; points are mostly consistent with the main idea.
Satisfactory: Uses clear main idea but does not support or illustrate clearly. Some ideas
seem to relate to the main idea while others do not.
Needs Improvement: Has some good examples or illustrations of those points but fails to
state the main idea or support that idea coherently.
Insufficient: No clear idea and/or few supporting examples. Those that are there do not
seem to be cohesive.
Visual Organization (15 points)
Excellent: Clear introduction, clear transition, logical flow of content, creative content,
Meets Expectations: Good introduction, transitions are clear, sound flow of content,
creativity is exhibited.
Satisfactory: Okay introduction, some transition, content is acceptable.
Needs Improvement: Lack of introduction, few transitions, content is lacking.
Insufficient: Lack of insight, no direction, poor/no transition, lack of creativity, lack
assigned components
Mechanics (10 points)
Excellent: Text has proper spelling, standard grammar usage; any citations are in APA
Meets Expectations: Text has few errors in spelling and/or standard grammar usage; any
citations are in APA format.
Satisfactory: Text has an acceptable amount of errors whereby meaning can still be
reasonably discerned and citations can be referenced.

iii. What are the size, growth rate, and national and regional trends in each of your three
organizations market segments?
iv. Is the size of each market segment sufficiently large or important to warrant a unique
marketing mix?
v. Are market segments measurable and accessible to distribution and communication
vi. What are the evolving needs and satisfactions being sought by target markets?
vii. What benefits does the organization offer to each segment? How do these benefits
compare with benefits offered by competitors?
viii. Is the firm positioning itself with a unique product? Is the product needed?
**Writing style suggestions for successful marketing plans include the following:
Use a direct, professional writing style.
Use 3
rd person throughout the plan
All information needs to be cited
Use appropriate business terms without jargon.
Use present and future tenses with active voice.
Be positive and specific to convey potential success.
Avoid superlatives (terrific or wonderful) or vague generalities.
Use numbers for impact, justifying projections with reasonable quantitative assumptions, where possible.
Use visuals where appropriate. Photos, illustrations, graphs, and charts enable massive amounts of
information to be presented succinctly. These do not count towards your 4-page minimum, so adjust
Use 12-point Times New Roman font throughout.

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