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It is likely that you will encounter a patient that experiences chronic fatigue. After reading your textbook and the Luyten and Van Houdenhove (2013) article, how might you approach treating such a patient? How would you build a strong working alliance? What interventions would you include?

      Functional somatic syndromes, which include chronic fatigue, have been enigmatic in etiology (Luyten & Houdenhove, 2013; Taylor, 2018). According to Taylor (2018), chronic fatigue syndrome is exceedingly ubiquitous and involves debilitating fatigue for at least 6 months. Lombardi et al. (as cited in Taylor (2018) have indicated that even though no biological cause has been located, a viral agent engendering inflammatory responses has been associated with the disorder.

      According to Luyten and Houdenhove (2013), current evidence-based treatment for chronic fatigue has shown little effects. Luyten and Houdenhove (2013) further advance that a common issue for those suffering from chronic fatigue, and which presents a barrier to treatment, is the feeling of lack of understanding from practitioners. These patients feel that their concerns are not being taken seriously, that they are not being listened to, and unfortunately many patients feel that they are not believed. This outcome is antithetical to a humanistic perspective. Rogers (1957) suggested building a strong therapeutic alliance by architecting a therapeutic environment that reflects genuineness, empathy, and unconditional positive regard. Empathic listening allows for clients to feel that the clinician is truly attempting to apprehend the clients experience. It is integral for a humanistic psychologist to be mindful that judging, labeling, and not trying to understand clients will engender distance, a severance of the alliance, and affect treatment outcomes.

      According to Taylor (2018), practitioners combine pharmacological interventions for sleep and behavioral interventions for pain. Moreover, writing to express feelings has been shown to be helpful. Expanding social support and understanding has also been aiding clients as well. According to Luyten and Houdenhove (2013), there is a strong link between attachment and stress regulation which affects those with chronic fatigue syndrome. Therefore, in an optimal case, one who has a secure attachment will seek out those attachment figures in stressful times and this will result in diminished stress. Other forms of insecure attachments lead to a feeling of vulnerability and increased stress. With this context in mind, a health psychologist would formulate a treatment focus that addresses personal issues which may emanate from insecure attachments, such as perfectionism or self-sacrificing behaviors. In the second phase, a concept referred to as broaden and build is explored, where there is a support of changes in attachment by evaluating relationships to self and others. This may be a difficult process especially with those that have traumatic issues to contend with. Finally, there are efforts towards empowerment and autonomy fostering resiliency. The overarching aim is to create outcomes of stress regulation and reduction.


Luyten, P., & Van Houdenhove, B. (2013). Common and specific factors in the psychotherapeutic treatment of patients suffering from chronic fatigue and pain. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 23(1), 14.

Rogers, C. R. (1957). The necessary and sufficient conditions of therapeutic personality change. Journal of consulting psychology, 21(2), 95.

Taylor, S. (2018). Health psychology. McGraw Hill.

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