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This essay should be about the Dust Bowl book written by Donald Worster, 25th Anniversary Edition.

The Dust Bowl essay must accurately identify the books main argument and evaluate the books overall effectiveness (how effective was the author at supporting/proving the book’s main argument and why). This requires a brief summary of the books content and main themes and extensive discussion of the books strengths and weaknesses as a scholarly work of history. The essay must include a clearly identifiable and specific thesis statement. This thesis statement must take a direct and specific position on the books overall effectiveness. The thesis statement must appear as the last sentence of the introductory paragraph. Your papers thesis must be supported throughout the essay with specific evidence from the book. The use of additional sources is not allowed. The paper must be structured as an essay.
12 pt. Times New Roman font
Double spacing
1 to 1 margins
No contractions
No first or second-person pronouns (third-person only).
No more than two direct quotes for the entire paper. These quotes may not be more than 20 words each.
Specific evidence (paraphrased and quoted) from the book must be cited with parenthetical citations. Simply place the page number of where the information can be located in the book in parentheses following the last sentence of the passage containing the information used as evidence and before the sentences closing punctuation.
Write in the past tense when discussing historical events. Write in the present tense when evaluating the books effectiveness and argument.
Avoid lengthy, multi-point sentence construction. These often become awkward and difficult for readers to follow.
Underline or italicize titles of books.
Include a title that reflects your papers topic and thesis
Avoid a one-sentence paragraph. Paragraphs should be fully formed.
Transition smoothly from topic to topic and paragraph to paragraph.
Your paper must include your name. (Jackeline La Riva)
All pages must be numbered.

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