2 full pages minimum//3 pages maximum
Work Cited page is needed!
1. Often in literary works, authors choose a physical object which takes on a special significance in the work and becomes a symbol of something beyond itself. Show how, in the work that you read, the author uses a symbol to convey an important meaning. In your essay, focus on the symbol and what it symbolizes. Be sure to discuss how the author uses it to convey a message to readers. You may choose three important symbols from the novel, or you may choose to elaborate on one symbol in all three body paragraphs.
Stories to choose from: The Black Cat or The Tell-Tale Heart
2. Study the tenets of Romanticism. Then, in a thesis driven essay explain why The Tell-Tale Heart and Young Goodman Brown are considered romantic texts.
3. In the portrayal of Dame Van Winkle as a cultural villain, what is learned about the historical role and status of women during the time this story is written? In a thesis driven essay, explain your response in detail.
4. Study the etymology of names in Young Goodman Brown? Like Faith, there is a significance in using this name (as this story is about faith). Why does he use the names he does? How do these names make the story more allegorical (or a story with a hidden meaning)?
Each student must:
Have a title
Have a strong/detailed introduction
Have a heading, page numbers, and a work cited page.
Have no less than 2 pages (The work cited page is not counted in this number.)
Use at least two secondary sources (the textbook can be used, but it will not be counted as a source.) Please read the information I added about choosing scholarly sources.
Use MLA documentation for this essay.
You must have quotes and in-text citations in your essay. Please do not use any block quotes in your essay.