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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write an essay on ONE (1) of the topics below. Be sure to support your answer with specific examples of course material from the textbook and the primary sources for each topic. Think of the essay-exam as a take-home exam. You have the entire week to complete the exam, but it is due at the latest by Friday, November 13 @ 11:59 p.m. Essays must be 750-1,000 words. You will be graded using the rubric attached below. Only use the sources listed under each topic. NO OUTSIDE SOURCES ALLOWED.

Topic 1

After watching the documentary from week 3, The Crucible of Empire, how did Americans view imperialism and their place in the world? In your response, you must examine the stances of those who were pro-imperialist and those who were anti-imperialist (I suggest one body paragraph on each).  Your final body paragraph must focus on the World Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893 and address the following question: How did this event affect and highlight the ways that Americans viewed themselves in the world? Does the Columbian Exposition accurately reflect whether most Americans were pro-imperialist or anti-imperialist? Explain.

You will utilize 4 sources.

1) American Yawp: Chapter 19.
2) Documentary: The Crucible of Empire
3) Two (2) primary source listed at the bottom of American Yawp, Chapter 19. Your choice.

Topic 2

McCarthyism was a symptom of widespread anticommunist hysteria that engulfed Cold War America. What factors led to this anti-communism hysteria? How did politicians and activists combat against it? In your opinion, what truly fueled anti-communism? In your view, does the McCarthy era have any relevance to today? Explain.

You will utilize 3 sources.

1) American Yawp: Chapter 25.
2) Two (2) primary source listed at the bottom of American Yawp, Chapter 25. Your choice.

***When citing sources, you can simply cite the author at the end of your sentence in parentheses, followed by the page number. For example:
The New York Times claimed, “bla bla bla (New York Times, 232).”

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