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Intercultural Guidance Critique

The FIFA World Cup will be held in Qatar in 2022. This is the first time that an Arab and
Muslim nation is hosting the World Cup. It is one of the biggest events in the world, and
Qatar and the Middle East will be in the global spotlight. Over 1 billion people watched the final at the last World Cup and over 1 million visitors are expected to come to Qatar during this event. Although some visitors are only interested in the football matches, many will also be interested in Qatar, the country, the people and the culture. The organizers of the event, Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy and FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 LLC, recognize this and have set out objectives to promote intercultural exchange and understanding. The objectives are detailed in their Sustainability
Strategy: www.qatar2022.qa/sustainability and https://www.qatar2022.qa/sites/default/files/documents/FIFA-World-Cup-2022%E2%84%A2-Sustainable-Strategy.pdf (refer to pages 46-
47). One of the main strategic objective is to:
Promote cultural exchange among parties engaged with the FIFA World Cup 2022,
with a focus on enhancing understanding of the culture of Qatar and the region
They have also specified that they will be developing and distributing guidance to
participants, attendees and local communities that support their preparation for intercultural
exchange during the FIFA World Cup 2022, and identifies and works to prevent practices
that may be considered discriminatory or disrespectful by others. After reading the
objectives of the organizers complete the assignments below. This project will be broken
down into the following parts and the total project will account for 50% of your final grade.
Part 1: Intercultural Guidance Critique (25%)
Analyze key complexities of preparing and delivering intercultural guidance. You will find
that many embassies, multinational companies, governments and schools have documents outlining some intercultural guidance. What is the purpose of an intercultural guidance? Why is this guidance required? How can a guide foster intercultural exchange? Who should be
represented and how? What are common representations/narratives regarding your culture that you would like to change and why? This paper should be 2000 words.
Evidence of anthropological method and theory
Arguments incorporated anthropological theories and demonstrated correct usage of
Paper has a good flow and each part supports what preceded it. There was enough thematic evidence to support statements. Connection of research to anthropological terms & themes is logical.
-Format & Mechanics:
Paper is well organized (introduction, body/analysis, conclusion) and incorporates research from at least 3 academic literature. No spelling, grammatical, or structural errors. Meets word limit. Correct bibliography.

The above is the

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