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Archive for the ‘Art’ Category

Preservation and Restoration

Many feel that architecture, art, and design elements should decay naturally. Others feel that all efforts should be made to preserve and restore artworks and buildings of significant historical value. What do you think? Should we go to all lengths to clean, restore and/or maintain a piece of cultural history or should we let the […]

Compare and Contrast

The spread of the Renaissance to Europe and England is further highlighted by an increase of national pride resulting regional interpretations and differences in the stylistic development of furniture items and interiors.  Select a furniture type: chair, table, bed, etc. and choose one French, one Spanish and one English example for which to conduct additional […]


You are to write a double-spaced, one-page typed visual analysis of one work of art in the category of Medieval/Gothic. The piece of art you will do an analysis on is titled Chalice. The link to the art is below. You need to be clear about your works category and its subject matter. You need […]

essay on art history work of art in which the human body is the main focus.

Choose a work of art in which the human body is the main focus. It does not have to be a realistic representation of the body; it can be idealized, abstract, etc. You may NOT choose a work you have previously written about. Your paper should: Discuss the background/biography of the artist Describe the work […]

Rock and roll music vs. Jazz music

Listen to the following two examples: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=393&v=6jirqq-c7E0&feature=emb_title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yq_IzG3FziE&feature=emb_title Compare and contrast jazz music and rock and roll music in a paper that contains 250-500 words.Include three or more elements of music (melody, harmony, rhythm, performing forces, texture, form, and dynamics). How are the genres of music similar? (first paragraph)How are the genres of music different? […]

Art History

Essay Question 5: Visit the following websites and read the information about the Dome of the Rock. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Dome-of-the-Rock http://www.atlastours.net/holyland/dome_of_the_rock.html Based on the information above and information from the lectures and your textbook, answer the following questions: 1) Why is the Dome of the Rock an important Islamic building?  Why is it considered unique? List at […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

YOUR ASSIGNMENT: After reading Bradby’s “She Told Me What To Say” (uploaded additional materials) and Alan Watt’s “The New Alchemy (http://www.psychedelic-library.org/alchemy.htm)”, choose one recording from the West Coast Rock playlist and discuss what you hear in detail, drawing on at least one claim or observation in each of the articles. Focus on analyzing at least […]

Iconoclasm Blog Assignment

Please write about a historical instance of iconoclasm.  This can be your topic for your final research project for the semester. (And, this is a way to combine work, write a little abstract of your topic while your research is underway). I have attached the topic for my post, which is the same topic I’m […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Technical instructions for writing assignments:Your papers will be 1000 words minimum to 1500 words maximum, DOUBLE-SPACED. Papers that fall below the minimum word count will receive a 0 score (quotation of lyrics and/or other text does not count toward your total word count, nor does works cited/bibliography). Your ideas need to be presented in clear, […]


Select two pieces per chapter from the playlists at the end of Chapters 14-16 (A total of 6 pieces will be described). Listen for and describe how the theme of each chapter is reflected in the piece (depending on which chapter it is from):Chapter 14: ClosenessChapter 15: LoudnessChapter 16: DiscrepancyCan you hear and understand these […]

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