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Archive for the ‘Human Resource Management’ Category

Assignment due tomorrow

Summative Assessment You are a worker in a fast growing, large, non-union manufacturing organization. You notice persistent systematic labor violations in the plant. The company has multiple locations in the United States and plants in China and France. People are complaining about the working conditions and wages. A group of your fellow workers are talking […]

Discussion 6200 1

Myths and misinformation surround the topic of sexual violence. For years, these myths have hung around the discourse, further muddying an already difficult topic about which to communicate. Although all myths can be harmful, there are some that may be arguably more harmful. For this Discussion, you identify some of the myths surrounding the topic […]

week 1 discussion

 Specifically focus on the 4 categories of the regulatory environment. Select any two of the categories and explain to executive management why effectively managing the categories are extremely important to organization effectiveness and efficiency. Remember, you are briefing executive management and not lower managers or employees, so your response should be appropriate to higher management communication. 

Creating A Text Message

Your internet was down last night and you weren’t able to turn in your last assignment. Your professor is away from her office, so you know the quickest way to reach her is via text message. Compose and send a text to your professor notifying her of this situation. Create a text message in which […]

Training and development Case Wk 2

Case study: Many years ago I was a Corporate Trainer in a large organization and defining the business needs was the toughest part of the training process. Many times this required a meeting with the trainer and the business department leadership to complete a needs analysis. One of my favorite projects was the Document Manager Project. […]

Repair Reputation

 Write a 4-5-page paper using the below links as talking points in APA format supported by at least 4 references. Please include an introduction and conclusion. Do NOT use a question and answer format. Evaluate what Wells Fargo has done to repair the damage to their reputation. What should they still do? Should top leaders […]

Discussion 1 LBS 3001

Discuss each question in 1-2 paragraphs. Answer the questions in answer and question format, that is, when you are posting, include both the questions and your answers.  How does your work history and lived experience relate to the conditions experienced by low wage workers described in the service economy readings? What are some of the challenges workers […]

Unit 5 assignment

Organizations, like all cultures, must continue to evolve or they stagnate and eventually become obsolete. Using change management tools can help an organization to stay vibrant and evolve over time to remain competitive. Research change management models, and address the following: Describe 23 change management models.  What are the pros and cons of each model?

Follow Instructions

A person cannot evaluate the ethicality of organizational policies until he or she identifies the issues that those policies are intended to address. In this assessment, you will do just that. Complete the following: Identify a potential ethical dilemma from a real-world organization. As an example of an ethical dilemma, consider the following scenario: an […]

Patient Privacy Violation

 As a manager of a small, solo physician office clinic, the physician presents a concern that was brought up by a patient. The hospital that the physician is affiliated with recently purged the medical records department in preparation for a computer upgrade, and the patient found a dumpster out back with patients full medical records […]

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