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Archive for the ‘Human Resource Management’ Category

week 5 _ Assignment

  Resource: Turnover Evaluation Grading Guide Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you evaluate the various types of turnover outlined in the following scenarios: A sales associate, who is slightly above average in the number of sales, has decided to leave the company for a competitor. As the HR Manager, what are your concerns […]

dis 2

  “American Disability Act (ADA) and Job Analysis” Go to the U.S. Department of Justices Website to read the article titled ADA: Know Your Rights Returning Service Members with Disabilities, located at http://www.ada.gov/servicemembers_adainfo.html. Develop an outline to educate your management team to recognize returning service members who may be showing signs of PTSD, as well […]

healthcare facility

 (3- 4 pages, abstract, conclusion and reference) The final project in this course requires that you visit the Web site of a local health care organization (e.g., hospital, long-term care facility, ambulatory care clinic) in your town, city, county, or state and asses its goals and mission. Once you have assessed your chosen facilitys goals […]


  Assignment Details (300 words, reference) What competencies were you able to develop in researching and writing the Comprehensive Project that is due in Unit 5? How did you leverage feedback from your peers in the Discussion Board for Units 14 in completing the project? How will these competencies and knowledge support your career advancement […]


 3-4 pages, abstract, and conclusion, reference You have been invited to do a presentation to the laboratory department regarding Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliance and electronic health records. Discuss the salient points of your presentation and why you feel it is important to include this information in your presentation. Include the following […]

Human resource assignment

What important elements are missing in the performance management process?  In what ways would improving the performance management process help improve discipline and morale at Modern Office Supply?  Explain ways the form used for hourly employees contributes to errors and distortions in the appraisal process.  How would you revise the form to reduce those errors? […]

Prof Eliud – HRM

  Scenario: You are an HR manager of a company that since its inception has only operated locally. In a recent meeting your boss informed you that the company is planning to go global in the next 1 to 2 years. She would like an introduction from you on HR related issues for a global […]

Hum Dis1

  “Unions and HR Management Challenges “ Unionization has been on a relatively slow yet steady decline. Given the change in the workforce dynamics, speculate what segment(s) or types of employees would likely gravitate toward unionization in the current market. Scale the top three (3) reasons for this. Discuss what this means to you as […]

Article Critique

Research the databases in the CSU Online Library, and locate an article for a critique that covers effective training delivery methods for adult learners. The article must be at least four pages in length and published within the last 7 years. Be sure to cover the topics below in your critique.  Identify and explain the […]

Individual Project 2

Using the Library or other Web resources, identify and describe a scenario that involves an ergonomic injury and determine guidelines to prevent further injuries in the work setting. Be sure to explain how the U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety & Health Administrations criteria for ergonomic injuries might apply to the scenario.

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