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Archive for the ‘Social Science’ Category

Foundations Of Social And Behavioral Sciences Theory

  Please write a 5-page paper, double-spaced, 12 pt Times New Roman, 1″ margins: In the third segment of Marshall Bermans book, All That Is Solid Melts into Air, he writes about Baudelaire, a writer on modernity in the nineteenth century. Baudelaire writes about his visions (134) of modernity, which have accurately progressed to our […]

Assignment: Final Project

  The sign of an effective clinician is the ability to identify the criteria that distinguish the diagnosis from any other possibility (otherwise known as a differential diagnosis). An ambiguous clinical diagnosis can lead to a faulty course of treatment and hurt the client more than it helps. In this Assignment, using the DSM-5 and […]

Discussion: Task Groups

  Group work is a commonly used method within school settings. Because peer interaction is important in the emotional and social development of children, the task group can serve as a wonderful therapeutic setting and tool; however, many factors should be considered when implementing this type of intervention. For this Discussion, read the Van Velsor […]

What Is The Impact Of A Casino To The Surrounding Society?

Gambling has over many years attracted tourist and visitors into its hometown. Gambling has answered many cries of the unemployed youth in the society by providing a wide range of opportunities. In addition gambling is a key income earner to many cities revenue. It has also raised standards of many individuals in the society Sources […]


Inference  Briefly discuss how the lexical definitions and connotations of “valid” and “warranted” can help us understand the differing purposes of deductive and inductive arguments. Fallacy  Explain, in your own words, how the fallacy of denying the antecedent is revealed through analysis of the valid argument template. Civic Responsibility  Is there any issue on which […]

Discussion: Educational Inequality

Create your own hashtag to raise awareness about educational inequality and, in 280 characters or less, post your hashtag and  what you would tweet about this social inequality to raise awareness (would you share an article? A picture, cite a statistic? Its up to you!).

need asap

  Budgeting in human services organizations brings  about many challenges. Human services agencies must be creative in  managing their budget due to the increased demands on the agency and the  needs of the clients and stakeholders. There are many legal,  contractual, and other requirements under the concept of financial  management, as such agency administrators need […]

Assignment: Assessing Group Process 4: Group Project Goals

  As a clinical social worker, evaluating the effectiveness of clinical strategies is an expectation of the NASW Code of Ethics (2017). Sometimes, clinical strategies and techniques that are effective in one setting may not work in another situation. It is important to understand what works and what doesnt. Also, self-assessment is an integral part […]

answer the questions

  Please complete this TWO readings and then answer the questions found below to aid our discussion  ART; Is It Art? Is It Good? And Who Says So? THE DEBATE CONTINUES about where art is today and what so many people still want it to be. For years, the National Endowment for the Arts has […]

answer the questions

To get full points, each assignment is completed on a weekly basis should be about a page of typed critical thought. I expect each question to be answered thoroughly as this will greatly help aid you in class discussions.       Why is it important for everyone to study humanities, or is it important? Explain […]

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