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Archive for the ‘Computer science and IT assignments’ Category

Assignment 3 – Inheritance, Abstract Classes, Interfaces, and Polymorphism

# Assignment 3 – Inheritance, Abstract Classes, Interfaces, and Polymorphism ## Due: 02-19-2020 ## Author ## Description The Jawas on Tatooine have recently opened a droid factory and they want to hire you to write a program to hold a list of the available droids, and the price of each droid. The price is based […]

Computer science project

Create a soccer game using preferably either Visual Basic or Unity. It must be a simple game with the title ‘Galactik Football’. With a fire ball effect when players take a shot. Controls will be W,A,S,D keys to move up,left,down and right. Mouse will be used to pass/shoot and aim. Use retro pixelated type graphics. […]

Find a snippet in a document

You will write code that, given a document (a sequence of words) and set of search terms, will find the minimal length subsequence in the document that contains all of the search terms. If there are multiple subsequences that have the same minimal length, you may return any one of them. This is the class […]

Java Code

Code must be written to satisfy this. The program for this Assessment will consist of four sections, each headed by the three-line comment below://*********************************************************//****Assessment 5 Section X//*********************************************************(where X stands for the portion of the Assessment to follow.) Section 1:1. Enter the comment with the section title as described above.2. Create a base class called scoreKeeper.    […]

Python project 1

You are very welcome to use online resources to help you carry out these tasks. You MUST cite (in the code comments or in an adjacent cell) if you use code or tutorials that you have got from another source. A brief statement and a link to the material is considered acceptable acknowledgement.

Debt to income calculator Python Project

Project – Debt to Income Calculator Program Python in Spyder IDEProject Guidelines    At the minimum, your code should include a least one of each of the following:     container type (list, tuple, set, or dictionary)     iteration type (for, while)     conditional (if)     try blocks    user-defined functions     input and/or output file (submit input […]

Triangle Shading Graphic

Using CMake:1. create a subdirectory (under HW3) named Debug: mkdir Debug2. enter the subdir: cd Debug3. and generate the makefiles: cmake .. (mind the ..)To generating a release build environment, just repeat the above steps, but in with a subdirectorynamed Release. To compile run (inside the Debug or Release directory): make Files that need to […]


This program is complicated for me but a professional should be able to figure it out  in a couple hours. It is a python program that takes in a FASTA file and finds Open Reading Frames (ORF’s. They are started with a three letter code ATG then end with one of three other 3 letter […]

Matlab assignment

I have data and I would like to create a model that can predict the output. I am using autoregressive moving average (ARMA) but I am unsure of where to begin in Matlab. I probably ought to preprocess the data and then create the model. It would be really useful if I could get a […]

Java Programming Assignment

Program uses interfaces and abstract classes. Building several mock classes for this assignment. Assignment also utilities UML diagrams that will be used as a reference when building classes and methods. This assignment doesn’t need any high level programming. Simple logic and try/catch blocks will work for problem solving.

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