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Archive for the ‘Computer science and IT assignments’ Category

C Programming

It’s a very easy assignment hence the price. Hardly 1 hour. I just don’t have the time.I need all the functions, a .h file, a makefile and a read me.It has to be plagiarism-free.Please do not use any high-end programming code because this is a first-year undergraduate assignment.The function mentioned in the instructions is as […]

C Programming

It’s a very easy assignment hence the price. Hardly 1 hour. I just don’t have the time. I need all the functions, a .h file, a makefile and a read me. It has to be plagiarism-free. Please do not use any high-end programming code because this is a first-year undergraduate assignment. The function mentioned in […]

Written Assignment 5

Your e-commerce business is growing fast. You currently have the Standard Edition of Oracle 11gR2 on your server. Your server is having trouble with servicing more than five customers at a time. Write a recommendation letter describing a solution to this problem. Using the configuration shown in Table 4-2 (page 67) to calculate the increase […]

fitness tracker

Topics Covered Objects Classes Methods and properties Method overloading and overriding Unit testingDescriptionWe are going to build the first stage of what will become the final project. The idea is to create a fitness tracker application that allows the user to track and view their fitness activities. For this first stage, we are going to […]

Making Tic Tac Toe using C programming language. It is not allowed to use indexing to access the array that represents the tic-tac-toe board. Instead, you are required to use address arithmetic and dereferencing to access it

programming in C. Tic-Tac-Toe is a game where two players alternate putting their mark (either X or O) on a game board until one player wins or there are no spaces available to mark (see Tic-Tac-Toe Wikipedia (Links to an external site.)). In a typical game of tic-tac-toe, the game board is a 3×3 grid […]

Perimeter of rectangle

Make an algorithmGiven a set of points in plane, determine a rectangle with the smallest possible perimeter which contains all the points. The rectangle is not necessarily aligned with x or y axis.For example:a={(0, 0), (2, 1), (1, 2), (3, 3)}. The smallest perimeter of rectangle is 8*sqrt{2}

Postfix Calculator

Postfix is an expression in which the operands are placed before their operators. There are no precedence rules, no parentheses needed. For example, 11 9 – is equal to 11 – 9 in the infix notation. It’s much easier to calculate postfix expression by using the stack data structure. For this assignment you will be […]

Heat map in Java

Please go through the pdf file named “Question” in detail. It contains the instructions on how to use the other two zipped files. Assignment is on Java Parallel Programming using Schwartz approach and I am required to create a Heat Map. Please reply if you have any questions on the assignment.

L03B: Assignment – Interfaces and Arrays

Assignment ObjectivesPractice on implementing interfaces in JavaFootballPlayerData will implement the interface TableDataOverriding methodswhen FootballPlayerData implements TableData,FootballPlayerData will have to write the real Java code for all the interface abstract methods L03A is the previous assignment which is referenced in L03B(current assignment)


Submit your source codeof your solution. You mustdo this homeworkindividually.[100 points]This programming assignment is based on the protocol number 4 (Chapter 6.4 Digital Cash), described in Applied Cryptography, 2nd edition by Schneier; the protocol implements an electronic cash system, in which the digital cash cannot be copied and reused more than once and the privacy […]

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