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Archive for the ‘Database design and optimisation’ Category

SQL Stored Procedures

Create a stored procedure NEWGUESTBOOKING that adds a booking for a new guest. The stored procedure NEWGUESTBOOKING receives the following parameters Input ParametersGuest nameGuest addressHotelNoRoomNodateFromdateTo Output ParametersBookingNo intBookingResult char(40) The stored procedure1.  Set autocommit = OFF;2.  Issue the START TRANSACTION;3.  Get the max guestNo in the database.4.  Insert a new guest into the guest table […]

Pick A pet

7.1 Output Design Prototypes 7.1.1 Design and implement (with data that is important to the management) 3 reports for management, 1 detailed, 1 exception, and 1 summary (one by each student). Each report design description & layout:Title- (Pick a Pet)Purpose What need does it fulfillData Fields list from the databaseCalculated fieldsGrouping/Sorted (for detailed report) or […]

Design a database in MS-Access(Time line Plan)

PART I Design a database in MS-Access(Time line Plan) Ex) schedule, HR Time line1. Describe your business environment and why you need a database.2. Draw your business E-R Model.3. Create a MS-Access database that reflects to your business needs with:a. Entities Relationship [Database Tools > Relationships]b. At least 4 tablesc. At least 3 queriesd. At […]

SQL – Creating Views

In this series, we will build and enhance the a hotel booking database. Series 1 Objectives – Create Views Create the bookingdb environment by downloading the bookingdb.zip file attached in this Assignment. Review the base tables that is created.  Code SQL to create a VIEW for each base table.  The viewname should begin with ‘v’+basetablename.  […]

BigQuery Public Data

Student Learning ObjectivesAfter successful completion of this assignment the student will be able to: Use BigQuery to query public datasets.Write queries using aggregate functions, grouping, ordering, and subqueries.Important Notes about GradingA reminder, any syntax error, including missing semi-colon at the end of even one SQL statement, will result in a grade of 0 for the […]

SQL Workbench Work

In this assignment, we will create a view in finhistdb to pick S&P 100 tickers. S&P100 is an index of ticker symbols that comprise the index.  Create a View named currentSP100Price and include all the Tickers and current prices of the stocks.  The base table to use is pricehist table. Since there are 100 tickers, […]

ER and Queries

– Final product must be sent back as a Word document. – Queries should be written in MySQL code. – The diagram can be designed in any software desired, it has to be a ER diagram like this one: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/307110857/figure/fig3/AS:403359166156803@1473179727851/Entity-relationship-ER-diagram-of-Busan-traffic-data.png

database coding

Assignment BackgroundIn this assignment, you will develop a web application that will allow players to receivecards from a collectible card game and trade those cards amongst their friends. Thecard data used for this assignment is taken from the game Hearthstone. This is thesame data used in tutorial #8 a description of the structure of the […]

coding assigment

In this assignment, you will develop a web application that will allow players to receivecards from a collectible card game and trade those cards amongst their friends. Thecard data used for this assignment is taken from the game Hearthstone. This is thesame data used in tutorial #8 a description of the structure of the data […]

Database Management SQL

1. (13 points) Clean and normalize the data. Submit your processed Excel file with a sheet for each relation/table. You do not need to submit screenshots of the Excel data.a. The raw data contains a multivalued field (Country) that must be resolved before loading the data into APEXb. The raw data contains a composite field […]

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