Archive for the ‘Software Engineering’ Category
Generating xml/json file based on the value provided from csv/xls/xlsx
*Read only csv/xls/xlsx(sample file Excel2/xlsx) from src location configured in dl-config file.(5 threads at time)*Rows in a file should be grouped on basis of configured columns mentioned in scenarios is explained more in*Once the group is done , check the sizeConfig from dl_config file if the config is ‘Volumne’ and based on the […]
Percentages behind each paragraph signify the % of your grade determined by each part.0) Code compiles (10%)1) You need to develop a flight management system for an airline. Each flight is characterizedby its flight number, origin airport, destination airport and distance. Airports arecharacterized by their three-letter airport code and country code. Airplanes have a typename, […]
Coppelia simulation(lua programming)
Hi, I have to create and code an hovercraft on Coppeliasim for it to finish a maze in under 2 minutes I have attached a file of the maze and of an hovercraft. I have to simulate it in two ways: the first way is by using the minimum number of proximity sensor ( my […]
Interpreter in Java
The assignment is to build an interpreter. But you also have to construct classes for the byte codes. I will include the reader that explains what the byte code classes should do. It is a very large assignment as I have had other “experts” quit on me despite me giving them 2 weeks in advance […]
FTP Server and Client
DescriptionIn this exercise you are asked to design and develop a custom concurrent FTP Server named TigerS and its associated FTP client named TigerC. Once TigerS starts on a host, it will listen for incoming requests from multiple TigerC clients. You are requested to implement three basic commands for TigerS and TigerC: 1. tconnect <TigerS […]
MATLAB Biomedical Signal Analysis Project
Need to create code for project description. Part A and B is done. You need to create the code and statistics as described in Part B document. Pan Tompkins Algorithm zip file is attached.
Creating and simulating a structure in python
I have included what I have so far; the part I’m stuck on has a comment labeled ‘M1 and M2 fixed’. I need to finish Part 2 ‘first steps’ steps 2 – 4, which can be found of the last page of the document labeled ‘MECH203_Design_Istruction_Part2_Final’. And I need to do Part 3 which is […]
paper reivew
(i) what is the problem,(ii) why it is important, (iii) why is it hard, (iv) why older approaches are not enough, (v) what iskey idea and why it works (a list of at least three key points), (vi) what might be missing and howcan we improve this idea (a list of at least three key […]
C++ Programming
Hello, So I have an assignment that is due in less than a week. I am currently studying for my final and do not have time to do this type of problems. They are bonus points and I really want to gain these points. I also have 3 other finals to study for and wanted […]