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What is your vision?

If there is one thing that separates leaders from managers (and there are many), it would have to be ‘vision’.  Managers are tasked with implementing a plan of action.  Leaders “create compelling visions that guide people’s behavior.” (Northouse, chapter 7).  But what is vision?  According to Northouse ), “it creates a picture of a future that is better than the status quo, …represents a change in the status quo, …is about the values…that people find worthwhile, …provides a map…that gives direction, …and challenges people to transcend the status quo to do something to benefit others.”

To understand the role vision plays in your life, we will explore your vision for your life, how to develop vision and how you can act on it.  First, complete the Leadership Vision Questionnaire (attached).  Next answer the following questions.  Be sure to number your responses (i.e. do not write your paper in a narrative form).  Do not include the questions in your paper.  Be sure to support your answers using concepts (citations) from the text or other sources.  Link your reactions to the text citing the referenced page. Of course, papers should be organized, thorough, with proper sentence structure.


1) Stephen Covey (1991) contended that effective leaders begin with the end in mind (p. 42). These leaders have a deep understanding of their own goals and mission in life. How would you describe your own values and purpose in life? In what way is your leadership style/philosophy  influenced by these values?
2) Creating a vision usually involves trying to change others by persuading them to accept different values and/or different ways of doing things. Are you comfortable influencing people in this way? Give an example of a time when you have persuaded others to accept different values or different ways of doing things. How were you able to influence this change?  Use what you have learned so far about leadership skills, behaviors, traits, etc to explain your influence.
3) Analyze your score on the Leadership Vision Questionnaire and use it to assess your ability to create a vision for a group. Identify two specific ways you could improve your abilities to create and carry out visions with others.
4) Write a brief vision statement describing your vision for your life.  Next, identify the parts of your vision: a picture, a change, your values, a map and a challenge to yourself.  Be sure to read Guide to Writing Vision Statements to assist you in constructing your vision statement.

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