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Archive for the ‘Business and Management’ Category

global marketing

Select a U.S. brand and develop a marketing plan for selling it overseas. Select a country where you want to sell it (this brand should not be sold in this country at this time), and then 1.Analyze the key elements of the countrys culture, economic, and political environment.  2.Select a method of entry in the […]

Case Study Paper

Read the case study and answer the Question 4 in the last page’s Discussion Question section. (separate by both motivation, opportunities, and challenges to write)4. What is your assessment of Teslas moves into (a) mass-market cars, (b) batteries (car batteries and Powerwall), (c) solar panels? Please consider both the motivation for the moves, and the […]

Coursework 2

The report length is 3500 words. When counting your words, please exclude the text in figures, tables, Section 1 (Title Page and Table of Contents) and Section 7 (References). The word count must be included in the Title Page. This assessment uses the work undertaken in Coursework 1 as its foundation. This time however, you […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Explain some of the economic problems that many cities are facing and the solutions that are being implemented by U.S. fire departments to cope with their shrinking budgets. Please use 4 academically recognized sources. 1. Research and discuss the economic problems U.S. cities have faced which have had a direct impact on the fire service.2. […]

Research Paper Guidelines for Zara

What are the import requirements of retail clothing?Why would these requirements effect the Zara logistics team when importing?How does Zara manage a global supply chain?How does Zara manage the logistics of moving its clothing strategically between stores?How does the requirements of maximums in the store help Zara logistics?How does Zara master global replenishment?What are Zaras […]

How can brand image be communicated via social media marketing

Each learner will research, write, and submit an eight (8) page typewritten, double spaced report on a marketing topic. These eight (8) pages exclude the title page and the page listing the references. The report will systematically describe, critically evaluate, and thoroughly analyze the chosen topic. Specifically, the learner must choose one marketing topic from […]

Two part question on Starbucks case study that has to be reviewed in order to answer. Use examples from the case to answer the following questions.

Starbucks case study is attached that has to be reviewed in order to answer. Use examples from the case to answer the following questions. Two Part Question: Part 1:From your reading of the Starbucks case , identify 3 customer needs that you believe Starbucks is satisfying and explain how they satisfy them. Part 2: Next […]


For this paper you must fill in the outline attached with the topic selected that I have also attached ( of course doing more research to prepare a thesis statement, main points, examples, details, etc based on that topic) that outline should take around 2 pages. Also, write 2 more pages draft of a research […]


What Legal, Regulatory, and Ethical issues are raised in the Frontline video, “The Trouble with Chicken”?Who is to blame for the harm caused by unsafe products in this industry: Business Meat Processors, Government Regulators, Consumers?How successful were the major players in this industry in attempts to protect their Value Images?What should be done to prevent […]

Tshirt company

Based on a Tshirt Business This discussion will also assist everyone as your complete your business plans.  I want everyone to think about (if you have not already) the form of business you would like to establish… discuss this and explain why you have selected that form.  For example, if you have decided to form […]

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