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Archive for the ‘Art’ Category

Music in Film

*Final Exam Paper = 30 points (2000 words. Choose one complete film of your choice either current or older and write about its music. Taking into account many of the items in Unit One as a template for analyses. Write about specific scenes of your choosing and discuss the musical content and why the composer […]

any topic

Both Dust in the Wind (1986) and Still Life (2006) are realist films, yet both are also highly stylized and push the limits of cinematic realism. Explain how each film introduces a new level of formal complexity to the realist aesthetic, and how its unique cinematic strategies allow it to capture the complexity of the […]

Methods, Applications, Policies and Agendas: Critical Reflection: Sustainability Point of View

Critical Reflection: Sustainability Point of View 750 words minimum – 1000 max.APA format w/ foot notes if citing anything specifically. More included in attached. Focus on these and attached resources about Cradle to Cradle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMsF1P-_vWc&feature=emb_title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoRjz8iTVoo&feature=emb_title

Art History

Essay Question 6: Visit the following website on Saint-Sernin cathedral in Toulouse, France, ca. 1070-1120: Saint-Sernin Website- https://europeupclose.com/article/toulouses-saint-sernin-largest-romanesque-church-in-europe/ Then read about pilgrimages: Pilgrimage Routes Based on the information above and from the lectures and textbook, answer the following questions: 1) How was Saint-Sernin the ideal Romanesque pilgrimage church?  List at least 4 ways that St. […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Pick one Japan-related film that you want to be included in this class in the future. Explain why. 2 pages Pick one film that you liked most in this course. Explain why.1 page YOU CAN PICK YOUR OWN Janpan-related film, pick what you like. This one is the one I liked most:Film:Shall We Dance? (Suo […]

“Siete Cajas” (Seven Boxes) the Paraguayan film

This paper is on the Paraguayan film “Siete Cajas”. Here are the guidelines for the paper: 1st paragraph – summary of the film 2nd/3rd paragraph – How are the people of Paraguay struggling during the time of this film? Why are characters so desperate to the point that they are willing to risk everything for […]


4 questions each answered separately within their own paragraph. The book we are using is an introduction to America 3rd edition. 1. Compare and contrast sacred and secular music in America. (Some ideas about how to approach that are below, but feel free to explore the topic in other ways. -Why did the founding fathers […]

Music Analysis

This is a paper analyzing two pieces of music: Suite Francaise, and Suite of Old American Dances. You only need to cover the first two movements of each piece. Each of the pieces should account for half of the word count. The following is the criteria for the paper: The student evaluates music by thoroughly […]


Answer ONE of the following questions.1) Why is authenticity a challenging concept in ethnomusicology? 2) Do headphones change the way we listen to sound? Discuss.3) Explore the relationship between music and trance.4) Is musical mourning gendered?7) What are the challenges involved in preserving musical traditions?8) Devise your own question relating to a topic from the […]

comparison essay

Please follow the Final Paper Sample and the Proposal. I need to write a comparison essay between two painting, “View near Rouen” and “What Field with Cypresses” Please let me know if you need anything I can be reach at [email protected]

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