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Archive for the ‘APA (edition “APA 7”)’ Category

global marketing

Select a U.S. brand and develop a marketing plan for selling it overseas. Select a country where you want to sell it (this brand should not be sold in this country at this time), and then 1.Analyze the key elements of the countrys culture, economic, and political environment.  2.Select a method of entry in the […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Hi,I hope your fineThis order request it made to add some work on a previous order which you have done for me.I have got some feedback on the paper: (((Introduction too brief(add 100 words) build it up. Be more self-conscious why are you focusing on your subject and arguing what youre arguing. Missing references. Any […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Explain some of the economic problems that many cities are facing and the solutions that are being implemented by U.S. fire departments to cope with their shrinking budgets. Please use 4 academically recognized sources. 1. Research and discuss the economic problems U.S. cities have faced which have had a direct impact on the fire service.2. […]


Allison is a 35-year-old Caucasian female who is a disabled veteran that recently lost her job due to a declining state of mental health. Allison has suffered from PTSD for over 10 years. Allison was originally diagnosed with PTSD after returning from combat overseas from the Middle East by the VA and was given an […]

Need case study on each topic min 300 words

Consider the following scenario: Your patient has suffered from schizophrenia for two decades and has received classic dopaminergic treatments since the onset of illness. The latest research supporting use of the glutamatergic model has not been tried on your patient, and there is an opportunity for your patient to enter clinical trials utilizing glutamate-based treatments. […]

Fluid Imbalances

Your written assignment for this module should be a 1-2 page paper (not including title page and reference page) that describes the following: Describe what a fluid and electrolyte imbalance is and how this is important to the function of the body?Pick a fluid or electrolyte imbalance and describe how the patient would present, in […]

Wholistic Leadership

Locate three peer reviewed, empirical articles related to the potential broad topic area of your dissertation. Remember, your topic area must align with your degree program. Select only articles that have been published within the last 2-3 years and that could logically be included in the literature review of your dissertation. Write a brief description […]

See instructions

You will identify a plan for a maximum-security prison when a shortage of flu vaccine is identified during a national influenza outbreak. Your plan will include a nursing intervention for each level of prevention of influenza. You will determine who should receive the flu vaccine among civilian workers and prisoners. GoalYour plan will include a […]

Start up business plan – 24 hour daycare

Please see attached.  I’ve highlighted key pieces of the business plan project instructions and have already prepared a business plan proposal.  This requires business plan pro or palo alto software.  It has to be done using the “plan as you go” business plan.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Project Paper: Students will complete an in-depth analysis of a current labor event in one of the following countries: China, Hong Kong, France, England/UK, Germany, or Mexico Pick a single specific topic of labor relations to evaluate, such as strikes, formation, impasse resolution, etc. Pick one of the listed countries to investigate how the chosen […]

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