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Archive for the ‘Computer Science’ Category

Web Research

Pick one topic from Chapter 6 and one from Chapter 8. Each one should be 250 words and submit your answer here. The topic are assigned in the word fileBe sure to include citations.You have to use Internet Resources from Project References or you can find new resources.      The students participation in each […]

Affective Computing Input

Researchers are experimenting with human emotions as a type of input. A development called affective computing uses input devices such as video cameras and skin sensors with software similar to speech recognition programs to allow a computer to read a users emotions. Your task: Explain what an affective computing input system would look like for […]

How a complete set of documentation will assist in the logical design of the SQL database.

Topik: How a complete set of documentation will assist in the logical design of the SQL database. (very important to follow the format)a Five Paragraph Essay Introduction: Introductory Paragraph See, first, Writing Introductory Paragraphs for different ways of getting your reader involved in your essay. The introductory paragraph should also include the thesis statement, a […]

Incident Response Process

Research a publicized security incident, such as one of the recent Sony incidents, and apply it to each step in the IR process. Some of this data may be available through research, but if not, outline how you would respond and what you think some of the outcomes may have been. The SANS Incident Response […]

Windows and Linux Integration

Windows and Linux IntegrationBased upon what you have learned thus far, in 500-750  words:Explain how Windows and Linux can work together in diverse environments.Recommend a configuration for your corporation that best leverages the features of each operating system. Explain your recommendation.The corporate environment consists of 2 locations with 5 Pcs at each location.  Please see […]


I have attached a screenshot of the assignment as well as a screenshot of the “student template” as highlighted in the assignment description. I have also attached a page from the text book that summarizes concepts and ideas that should be included in assignment. Please stay on par with level of knowledge as seen in […]

care transition for blog

Consider the consumer or patientperspective in your focus area.What about family/caregiverneeds? How are they/could theybe engaged in design or use ofinformatics tools and solutions?How can data, information, andtechnology improveconsumer/patient/familyknowledge and decision-making? There are numerouscontemporary issues thatmust be considered related toconsumer health informatics,for example, trustconsiderations with consumerhealth data; health literacy;quality and access issues;integration of consumerhealth informatics […]


Part 1 Download the Google Expeditions app on your phone or tabletGoogle Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.vr.expeditions&hl=en_US&gl=USApple App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/expeditions/id1131711060Choose one (1) AR expediton and one (1) VR expeditionWhich expeditions did you choose and why?How did the two expeditions differ? Was one a better experience than the other?Can you see this as being a replacement for in […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

– he needs to use references ONLY from google scholar and IEEE Xplore – all of the 16th paragraph mentioned in the article, there is a sample of the project attached with the documents – the references has to be mentioned in the end of pages

Any topic (writer’s choice)

– he needs to use references ONLY from google scholar and IEEE Xplore – all of the 16th paragraph mentioned in the article, there is a sample of the project attached with the documents – the references has to be mentioned in the end of pages

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