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Archive for the ‘APA (edition “APA 6”)’ Category

Ethics in business law

Explain an occurrence when you took the ethics of a company into consideration when deciding between similar products. If you have never done so, explain why not.Research a company that you admire and examine that companys ethical decision-making. Who is that companys Ethics Officer and what is that officers role? What is it about the […]

Twitter strategic analysis

A companys strategy typically consists of its diagnosis of its competitive challenge, a guiding policy(ies) to address the competitive challenge, and a set of cohesive actions to implement the companys policy(ies). The is the AFI strategy framework, namely, Analysis, Formulation, Implementation. You may review this by doing some research into the AFI framework in understanding […]

Good bad and loving

Write a 45 page paper applying theories and concepts from social psychology, behavioral ethics, and critical thinking to the case study you choose. Focus on theories related to prosocial behavior, rejection, and close relationships. Prosocial behavior is doing what’s best for others and involves being fair, respectful, cooperative, forgiving, and sometimes obedient and conforming. It […]

Professional Dispositions

There will be a question and there will be two answers from my classmates. Please respond to both of their answers. Split the amount of words between the two. QUESTION: Review the summative student teaching evaluation (Clinical Practice Evaluation 4) located on the Student Success Center. Using the evaluation, assess your current performance on each […]


(The article is attached)In one of the readings from this week, Briody, Meerwarth Pester and Trotter (2012) discussed how organizational culture was described through stories and an evaluation of the situation occurred after the story was told. For this blog, describe your organizational culture by telling a story that exemplifies your corporate culture (or if […]

Unit IV Article Critique

Instructions Research the databases in the Library, and locate an article for a critique that covers effective training delivery methods for adult learners. The article must be at least four pages in length and published within the last 7 years. Be sure to cover the topics below in your critique. Identify and explain the author’s […]

IT and censorship

i need two parts. the first is to compose an appropriate, arguable thesis statement that previews two to four main points to use in the research paper, and include an annotated bibliography of eight to ten appropriate, credible sources  for use in the research paper as well. the second part is to create an 8-10 […]

Bio-Psycho-Social Model + Addiction

The main purpose of the assignment is to demonstrate the understanding of the bio-psycho-social plus (BPS+) model by applying it to a piece of contemporary media. The focus of this assignment is the addiction to alcohol and/or tobacco!!! Your assignment needs to address the biological/physiological, social, psychological, cultural, and/or historical aspects of addiction as they […]

Drugs and Mind

Read: link + attachment! https://med.unr.edu/psychiatry/education/resources/bio-psycho-social-spiritual-model + SEE ATTACHMENT Answer both questions ONE: After reviewing the readings, if you had to explain why someone is drawn to use drugs to the point of becoming dependent on them, what would you say? TWO: After reading the resources and spending sometime reflecting on the use of language as […]

new testament analysis presentation

Session 4 New Testament Analysis PresentationPauls letters shape a great deal of the doctrine of the early church and our modern church, as his letters form a large piece of the New Testament that we read today. Throughout the epistles, Paul introduces several different doctrinal themes which have powerfully shaped Christianity throughout the centuries.For this […]

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