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Archive for the ‘APA (edition “APA 6”)’ Category

Functions of Law 1.3

Assignment 1.3 requires you to draft a 50-100 word response in APA format to the following five questions.  To organize this submission, I recommend that you simply list the question and include your response directly after it. What is law and what are some of its functions?What is English common law, and what role does […]

Library Data Base for a Research Paper

I will upload a file regarding instructions of the assignment. The purpose of the worksheet is to help conduct research for my future paper. Fill free to choose one topic listed on the worksheet. I highly recommend watching the following videos for guidance in terms of completing this assignment. What is a database?: https://youtu.be/KKIbnNLCh8g Finding […]


DEVELOPING A HIV AWARENESS PROGRAM WITHIN A FAITH BASED INSTITUTION    1______________________________________________________________________________ Getting to know the audience in preparation for communicating about an intervention is critical to the success of a public heath campaign. Approaches for communicating with policymakers, advocacy partners, and lay audiences need to be considered. For the intervention proposed, primary and secondary audiences […]

anatomy & Physiology

: In this journal, you will research and explore data around acid reflux (GERD). You will make a determination as to what you believe the causes or GERDare. GERD has increased in the cohort of 15- to 65-year-olds in the United States from almost one million in 1998, to three million in 2005, to 100 […]

Read No Exit by Jean Paul and Commentary and answer the questions

Use read both, No exit by Jean Paul and Commentary 2017 by Lehman and answer the following questions. I have attached both reading. Answers should only take about 1 page.  Please read and answer the questions correctly. 1.    Early in her essay (p. 50), Lehmann distinguishes between pleasure and reward.  Later (p. 51) she expands […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

An essay is a required part of the application process. The essay should distinguish you as a unique candidate for admission. For example, you may want to provide information on the personal experiences that have shaped your academic abilities, or give us a more thorough insight on your exceptional achievements. The information you provide in […]

Discussion board. Read the case study and answer the questions, explain your answers

Pricing Strategies           Any business can utilize a pricing strategy when marketing a product or service. The price can be set to maximize profitability for each unit sold. It can be used to defend an existing market from new entrants (increasing the barriers to entry for new competitors), to increase market […]


Assignment 3Chapter 5:  Critical Thinking Questions (page 146) Be sure to use textbook as a means to support your position(s).  Use APA guidelines in your writing, which include a title page, a reference page, 1′ margins (top, bottom, left and right), subheadings/headings (bold). 1.  Four-drive theory is conceptually different from Maslows needs hierarchy in several […]

Mass Shootings in the United States

1) In the research paper, you will conduct a study using a LOGISTIC REGRESSION statistical technique. You will need to obtain the data necessary to conduct the study.                                     *SPSS Software is REQUIRED 2) The Inter-university Consortium for […]

Process Analysis Journal Review

ARTICLE TO BE REVIEWED: http://ezproxy.liberty.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=102561440&site=ehost-live&scope=site You must discuss how the theoretical model or treatment described in the article compares to the information discussed in your textbook. No more than 20% of each Journal Article Review Assignment may be quotations. You must reference the original article and the course textbook. TEXTBOOK IS ATTACHED as CH3 PEER […]

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