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Archive for the ‘MLA’ Category

Journal Entry Week 4

Journal Entry for Class 4 (300-500 words): 1.Ask someone who knows you well to evaluate your social style using the exercise from Class 3 to have them assess your assertiveness and emotional control levels. How did their evaluation compare with your self assessment? For example, did they place you in roughly the same quadrant, did […]

Buddhism and Christianity

Write a three to four page paper comparing and contrasting two religions, one “Western” religion and one “Eastern” religion. Compare and contrast the following things:Describe how each of the religions view the ultimate divine (God, etc.). What is the “end goal” of each religion and how does one get there according to said religion.What other […]

philosophy essay

Essay I is due in Module 3 (Feb. 10). This assignment is worth a lot of points. I suggest you start thinking about which topic you want to write on. Note that you pick only one topic. You can write on a different topic, but please pass your idea by me first. Essay Topics I […]

reflective paper

Reflective PaperBe sure to address each of the following questions in your reflective paper. Type your responses below each question, and leave the questions in the document. Remember that the length of your responses for this portion of the final is expected to be 1,000-2,000 words in total, not including the prompt questions. Please answer […]

income inequality

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41y4c1Oi5Uo CNBC Why the inequality gap is growing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzV76M4Vd5w Infographics on inequality https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xMCWr0O3Hs Crash Course Economics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMsirg7Z0bU Branko Milanovich lecture You must create a new thread in this forum using the media and textbook concepts. Your initial thread should address your reaction to the media in the context of chapter 15 (income inequality ) of […]

How does Archebe develop and use a secondary character to convey a theme about multiple stories in Things Fall Apart?

Write a literary analysis in which you state your response and logically and sufficiently support your response with claims. Support your claims with relevant textual evidence, including direct quotations with parenthetical citations. Use correct and effective words, phrases,syntax, usage and mechanics to clearly communicate your analysis. Be sure to:Summarize the secondary characters experiences and motivations […]

What is home to you?

SUMMARY In this short essay, youll answer the question, How has the place you consider home influenced your identity (i.e. your personality, beliefs, actions, thoughts)? MAIN COMPONENTS You will need to (1) describe your homeplace so that your readers can form a richly detailed picture in their heads of what it is like (or was […]

Describe your relationship with the union and the labor movement. In what ways has it personally affected your life and your familys life?

Describe your relationship with the union and the labor movement. In what ways has it personally affected your life and your familys life? Please add these informations and check the CSEA union website: https://www.csea.comAlso I added the CSEA benefit guide and the president of CSEA union letters. please add these information. Being part of CSEA […]

Diverse Policy Viewpoints: Right or Wrong?

Explain why there is no such thing as a right or wrong social policy viewpoint. Provide examples from the issue you researched in the first discussion of this unit to illustrate your claims and support them with course references. Include how different groups define the same problem; accomplish this by showing how the problem would […]

The Definition of a Social Problem

Choose a social problem affecting an oppressed population you are interested in learning about. Research the history of how that issue became a social problem and report your findings. Use this unit’s readings to ensure your understanding of defining a social problem. For this discussion, answer the following questions: What factors led to the definition […]

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